Need someone to talk to?
Students at Copenhagen Business School, University of Copenhagen,
The Royal Danish Academy of Music and University College of Copenhagen
The Campus Pastors are a part of the Church of Denmark. We offer one-to-one conversations on big and small issues. You do not need to have a religous conviction in order to meet us. We are available for all students no matter what their beliefs are.

Family and relationships?
You may have problems in relating to your family, friends, partners og ex-partners. Different issues like adolescence, falling in love, divorce and other big changes in your life can take attention from your studies. It can affect your focus and dedication. You may need to talk to someone about these matters and find your way around it.

Stressed out?
Life as a student can be hard. You may suffer from study crises, lack of self-esteem, shame, excessive thoughts, performance, perfectionism, pressure, anxiety or loneliness. If so you might want to talk to one of the Campus Pastors. Everyday life is often quite different from our initial dreams and expectations.

Ilness and grief?
Grief can affect your life in many ways. It may be caused by illness, physically or mentally, or by death, separation or other loss. It takes time to recover from illness and grief and sometimes we isolate ourselves. You may feel a lot of pressure in that situation, also social pressure. No one should be alone in such a situation.
Meet us
Find your way in everyday life
The Campus Pastors is a free counselling service at Universities around Denmark.
You don’t need to have a Christian conviction to meet us. Feel free to share your concerns and struggles and get help to clarify your situation. You can always come to us if you want to talk about everyday life and if you have considerations or thoughts that you might not want to share with friends or family.
Typical issues:
- Stress, examens and burnout
- Ilness, sickness and grief
- Anexiety and loneliness
- Family, friends and partners
- Identity, faith, religion and the meaning of life
All conversations are bound by confidentiality
We keep no records
All inquiries are free
We have no waitingtime

"It was great to be able to share my thoughts with someone who saw it all at a distance. It helped me regain both my composure and overview."

"In my case, I did not need a psychologist. what I needed was more of a “love expert” who could show me the way back into life".

Share your worries
- and get help to get back on the track
Listen to the story of 26-year-old student Trine Helledie from CBS, who found peace in talkning to a Campus Pastor, when she for a period, was stressed out. Trine regained her joy of studying and her stress symptoms subsided.
Also listen to Håkon Bisgaard’s story. He experienced that the studies became too much after a loss in his close family. After meetings with the Campus Pastor, he found peace and courage to continue his studies.

Just call us or write us